Friday, July 31, 2009

Happy Birthday to Robbie!

Addilyn went to her first "friend" birthday party today! It was Robbie's 3rd birthday - our babysitter's son. The kids played pin the tail on the donkey, musical chairs, what time is it fox?, and pinata. The pinata is in the background in this picture. Addilyn took a few swings at it, but she wasn't quite strong enough. The cake and ice cream were quite a hit!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

S'mores are good (but sticky!)

Daddy and Papa went camping over the weekend. It was a beautiful night for camping. We figured Addilyn was a bit too young still to camp all night with us. Next year she's going to camp for sure ~ as long as she can help put the tent up! Addilyn and Heather came to visit to have some S'mores. They tasted so good! They were a little messy - can you tell?

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Better night last night

No crying last night! Just a couple wake-ups in the middle of the night asking for "mama," but we are making improvements!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

18 month checkup

Went to the doctor yesterday for an 18-month checkup. Healthy as a horse, as they say! 25 lbs., 9 oz. (average weight for age), short (25th percentile), and a big brain (90th + percentile for head circumference). Our new issue to work on: sleeping all night, every night. A new habit has recently developed -- which entails Addilyn crying around 2:30 am, mommy rocking her back to sleep, and thus getting interrupted sleep. Last night, it happened at 1:30 am, a little earlier than usual, and an hour later (after letting her cry), she did fall back asleep on her own. I'll keep you posted as to whether or not we can extinguish this behavior. Most likely, another behavior will replace it! :)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Pleasant Creek State Park

We went to the beach today! We were debating on whether to go to the beach or the caves, and we chose the beach. It turned out to be a very nice day. Still cool, but sunny. I think Addilyn thought she was back in Michigan. It was a very short (15 minute) trip, which was the benefit. However, the sand wasn't as nice, you could see the other side of the lake, and there was lots of goose poop. But... if you squinted and tried really hard, it felt like we were on Lake Michigan. Okay, not quite, but to a toddler, it was great fun!!! The snails were the biggest hit!


Saturday, July 18, 2009

Farmer's Market

With the cool weather we have been experiencing, we thought it would be fun to go to the farmer's market today. There were lots of people, lots of vegetables, and a BIG SCARY RED CLIFFORD!

He's wasn't so scary, from a distance...




Our garden is growing nicely! The purple coneflowers are a favorite - they attract lots of bumblebees and "fly flies" (butterflies).


Here kitty, kitty!

We have a frequent visitor at our house every morning and evening. It's a white kitty, and Addilyn is always asking "where's kitty? I don't know where! Kitty? Kitty? Where kitty?" You can tell she is asking for the kitty in this photo, and he is behind her on top of the neighbor's garbage can with glowing eyes!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

It's Independence Day and we're spending the holiday weekend on the shores of Lake Michigan in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan with Grandma Judy and Grandpa Bruce! We are having so much fun playing in the sand, swimming in the lake, and picking up all the rocks. The weather is gorgeous, and this afternoon we are going to the parade in town. We are looking forward to the Rhubarb Pie and fireworks! Having a great time!

Picking up rocks

Going for a walk

Walking in the woods

Hiking down the beach with Grandma Judy

We made sandcastles!

Grandpa Bruce and Mommy went for a canoe ride!

Taking a boat ride in Lake Michigan

Making sandcastles is so much fun!


Rocks, and more rocks!
