Sunday, February 28, 2010

2-year pictures

We finally got these taken! Addilyn did a very good job posing and doing what the photographer asked her to do. She listens to directions very well. We got the picture with Addilyn standing next to the number 2, so that we could compare to last year's picture. Can you believe how much she has grown? We plan to do this every year to see how much she grows.


Saturday, February 27, 2010

Spring is on the way!

Spring may be on the way, but we still have a heavy snow pack! Why not build a snow fort?

How do we build it?

Like this?

Oh! Like THIS!

I'm getting the hang of it...

See, Mommy? I'm in my fort!

Higher, higher...


All done!


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Peter Pan & Zoey's Pizza

We went to see Peter Pan (the play) today at Xavier High School. They put on a good show. Tinkerbell was the highlight - her character was played by a green laser pointer! When Peter Pan came out on stage, Addilyn yelled, "Pee Paaaaann" and the audience laughed. She cried at the end because it was over, and she wanted to see it again. Afterwards, we had Zoey's Spinach, Artichoke, and Garlic Pizza! YUM!


Saturday, February 13, 2010

2010 Winter Olympics

We watched Olympic Women's Mogul Skiing tonight. We gave Addilyn a perfect "10" for her skiing abilities!


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Making Valentines

It's almost Valentine's Day! We're making lots of Valentines this week. We got about 8" of snow yesterday, and mommy and Addilyn had a snow day! No school! What a better way to celebrate than to SLEEP...zzzZZzzZZzzz...

Do you like my candy necklace? I made it at school.

Making a "picture" with stickers.

Watching "Snow White" makes you SLEEPY!

This is the first time Addilyn has EVER fallen asleep on the couch!


Saturday, February 6, 2010

Shoveling snow & enjoying the sun

The sun is shining! It's 27 degrees and it feels great! We decided to get some shoveling done today. We got hungry, so daddy took us to BBQ This for a delicious lunch! All that hard work built up an appetite.

Hi, Daddy!

The sun's out!

Look at the birds!

We need to shovel this.

My snowman is STILL standing from December. Too bad his head fell off.

Workin' hard

How's this?

Much better.

Let's shovel the yard!

That was so much fun!


Sitting at the table

Addilyn is getting big enough to sit a the dinner table! The high chair will soon be history. It's great that our little girl is growing up, but can't we slow her down somehow? She's growing up too fast!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Photo contest

Please vote for Addilyn in the QC Airport Photo Contest. You can come back and vote every day! The winner gets $500 towards airfare to any destination. Mommy and daddy would love to go to Ireland, New York City, Florida, or Hawaii :) Thanks for voting! (You can vote by clicking on the little picture up above that says "VOTE FOR ME!")