Addilyn & Stella (2 weeks old)
Stella is 2 weeks old, and we have all settled down amazingly well. Stella is sleeping 3-4 hours at a time at night! Mommy only has to get up once at night for a midnight-1:00 feeding. Addilyn is very gentle with her little sister, and she is beginning to understand the new dynamics at home. Even though Addilyn and Stella look very similar at the same age (2 weeks), they have very different personalities. Stella is much more content and happy to be sleeping in her pack and play -- something Addilyn was never happy doing. Stella also prefers mommy right now, and Addilyn is daddy's buddy. It is an exciting time to watch the girls grow up. They both change so much every day! It's so much fun being a parent... especially when the girls get along so well. Ask me again when the girls are teenagers, but for now, we are enjoying every minute!