Sunday, November 21, 2010

Weekend before Thanksgiving!

Addilyn and Daddy went to the Blue Strawberry Coffee Co. in Cedar Rapids this morning for coffee and cinnamon rolls. We had some father-daughter bonding time, and ate an awesome breakfast. The girls also received some early Christmas gifts today from a friend of Grammy. We had a great weekend! Now, we're looking forward to Turkey Day!!!


Friday, November 19, 2010

Stella is 2 months old!

Daddy recently went to San Diego on a business trip. He missed his girls so much! Daddy brought back some beach stuff for the girls and gave them lots and lots of hugs and kisses. They are both growing up so quickly!


Saturday, November 6, 2010

Saturday Entertainment!

The Hawkeyes beat the Hoosiers.
Addilyn took a nap in her bed, but then snuck into mommy and daddy's bed amidst the laundry while they were watching the Hawkeye game.
Daddy and Addilyn went to Hy Vee Drug Town to celebrate the Hawkeye victory.
Daddy bought wax lips, chocolate covered peeps, and Blue Moon Winter Ale.
Addilyn comes home, trips on her own feet, and hits her head on the corner of the wall.
The chocolate covered peep makes her feel better.
We all wear the wax lips and take pictures of ourselves.
What a Saturday-- and the day is not over yet!


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Mr. Bubbles

Addilyn got a new pet! She can even keep it in her room. It's Mr. Bubbles the Betta Fish! Addilyn picked him out tonight at PetSmart. He is a pretty purple fishy. Daddy was excited to get out his aquarium that he got as a kid, and it still works! 20+ years and still going strong. Even the light turned on! It is very exciting with Mr. Bubbles here now! Let's just hope we can keep him alive. We made sure to ask which fish is the most resilient, as mommy and daddy are known to have bad luck with fish. We don't need any sad endings involving a flush!


Monday, November 1, 2010


What a wonderful Halloween with 2 beautiful children! We had a blast. Addilyn has been anticipating Halloween for a month, and she was so excited on Sunday morning when we told her today was finally Halloween! She dressed up as Cinderella, and Stella was a mouse. They were cute as a button. We trick-or-treated from 5:00-8:00 since the weather was so beautiful, and we filled 2 bags full of candy. One house went all out and had tiki torches, a bonfire, and full sized candy bars! Another house had spooky smoke and a guy dressed up as a skeleton - he scared the bijeebers out of Addilyn! We also saw a pumpkin "guy" who was quite scary. I think Halloween is Addilyn's favorite holiday, even if it is a bit scary!
