Friday, January 21, 2011

Vote for Addilyn!

Addilyn and I made a snowman, and her snowman is nominated for a local radio station contest.  

To vote, all you have to do is copy and paste the line below into a new email.  You can vote once per email address, so if you have several email accounts, go ahead and send one email per account (if you wish).  The winner gets a gift certificate to a local restaurant.  You can see her picture (along with the other contestants) here:

Please send the email

Copy and paste this into a new email -->  I am voting for (#1) Addilyn (3 years old) and her 7 foot tall snowman!

Thanks in advance!  Addilyn is really proud of her snowman :)


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Stella's Smiles

Hi sissy!
What are you doing?


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The wheels on the bus...


Monday, January 17, 2011

Building a gingerbread house and snowman!

We had a great time this weekend building a gingerbread house and a snowman. Our snowman is 7 feet tall! He is the tallest snowman we've ever built. The snow was perfect for building a snowman -- heavy and wet.

Our gingerbread house turned out great. We ate more of the candy and frosting than we used for the house!


Stella's first cereal

Mmmmmm..... she loved it!


Addilyn turns 3!

Addilyn turned 3 on December 30th. We had a birthday party at home with family, and it was a blast! We ate Little Caesar's pizza, salad, and a little mermaid cake. Stella had a great time at the party, too! I can't believe my first born is 3 years old!


Where's the cake?

Birthday girl!

Little Mermaid

Beautiful costume

WOW! It's an Ariel bath toy!

Pushing Baby Alive in the new stroller


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Stella's 3 month pictures
