Monday, February 7, 2011

Stella - 4.5 months old

Coochie-coochie coo!

Just chillin'




Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Blizzard 2011

We had 14.5" of fresh snow fall in our back yard last night!  It's a blizzard party 2011!  You can feel the excitement in the house!  With all of this snow, we had to build a snow fort ("Bear Cave"), go sledding, and throw snowballs.  We LOVE snow so much!  Good thing we don't have to drive in it today.


Stella rolling over!

Stella has been rolling over for a few weeks now, but she has been doing it secretly!  We called her the mystery roller since we would find her on the other side of her crib in the morning.  Daddy saw her roll over the other day, but didn't have his camera.  Here is proof... and mommy got to catch her in action!
